My Backyard Issue 1 | Page 4

Kia Kaha , Kia Toa
Be strong , be a warrior .
My Backyard From the Chapters
Junior Activists Partners
Getting involved Issue 1 l My Backyard


Earthrace reached Argentina in May 2012 to start local campaigns for marine life and our oceans .
After a two-year period working as the Coordinator of Sea Shepherd Argentina , Fernando Labaronnie , our new Chapter Director , along with other ex-SSCS volunteers , decided to support Pete Bethune and Earthrace .
Killing the Captive Industry
There are two remaining aquariums in South America that will be targeted with campaigns to encourage the public not to pay to visit them .
Mundo Marino in Buenos Aires holds 13 dolphins as well as lonely killer whale , Kshamenk , who has been held in his tiny pool , since being ‘ rescued ’ from a stranding in 1992 .
Goals for 2013
Among our goals for 2013 is to deliver more information to many more people through more rock music events , and to organise more beach clean-ups along our coastline .
Shocking shark fin record
While Argentina banned the removal of shark fins at sea in 2009 , it still manages to hold a shocking 5th position in the world ranking for exporting shark fin .
That ’ s not good and our Argentina crew plan on doing plenty in the next year to get this country off the list of those dealing in shark fin altogether .
Arty argentina We ’ re very lucky at Earthrace to have many talented people on board , and Fernando is another of them .
Not only a passionate believer in conserving and protecting the oceans , he ’ s a great photographer and has designed many , many great Earthrace posters using his pictures … Fernando , please may we have more this year ?
Contact Earthrace Argentina : fernando @ earthrace . net
Mar del Plata Aquarium has seven dolphins that spend their days ‘ entertaining ’ the public and lining the pockets of their owners .
Earthrace Argentina will join our other teams around the world in campaigning against cetaceans in captivity . If we can stop the profit , we can stop the shows .
Rocking it !
Already , Fernando and his crew have organised beach clean-ups during a kayak competition and had an information stand at a huge rock event when Pennywise , an infamous band , played to more than 4,000 people in Argentina .
Kshamenk breach in Small tank terry @ orcas . net Earthrace Argentina with Fletcher Dragge , the lead guitarist of Pennywise
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