MWHY Radio Magazine Live Nov 23rd 2014 | Page 16


Mother of ten, stepmother of eight, Tracey Mclean understands the importance of diligence and dedication. CEO of Adyme Enterprise, Tracey never turns down an opportunity for greatness; staring in a new reality show called Baby Momma's is just the tip of the iceburg.

As to date, Tracey Mclean has released a variety of literature, from fiction to autobiographical under her own publishing company Adyme Publishing. Her most notable pieces are Shaquana Hill (Stripped) is based on a true story of my life, Memoirs of a Baby Mother, Dirty Laundry, Memoirs of a Baby Father, erotic series called Chocolate and children series called King Uriah, all accompanied by themed soundtracks. Multifaceted, Tracey McLean is very spiritual person who believes in putting God first in all things. Her favorite quote "Many follow but only a few are chosen" has been proven prophetic when it comes to Tracey's life, personally and professionally.