MWHY Radio Magazine Live Nov 23rd 2014 | Page 13

the percentage of those who are not using social media to its full value are still too low. Your business has a voice and what your clients hear may not be what you want to be known for.

Consumers are online looking for ways a company can; keep up with their lifestyle, be the best in customer satisfaction, & reward them for returned or renewed services. With hundreds to thousands of small to medium sized businesses out there what do you want your business to be known for?

We Hear You Are Fun

If you are looking to be seen has the innovative yet fun company than your task are simple.

1. Your Website should contain social media share and interactive features.

2. You should have an Instagram account that displays fun highlights, out of the office moments, & photo contest.

3. Center on advertising in places where you can provide giveaways and free trails.

4. A senior staff member should be available to speak at collages, high schools, & young entrepreneur events to speak with likeminded individuals who truly understand what you do and why they would want to help you spread the word.

Your Customer Service


Not everyone receives the appreciation for amazing customer service. But when you handle your customers concerns, complaints, and troubleshooting issues through social media you will reap the rewards when they thank you on the spot.

1. Add chat online features to your site

to monitor during business hours.

2. Create a customer support account

for your business on twitter to answer

and help customers in real time. (This

helps if others are experiencing the

same issue they can follow the

conversation along)

3. Create a blog, newsletter, or schedule

post going over the hot topics of the

week or month and explain how they

could be eliminated.

The Rewards Are Endless

As a customer, you enjoy it when the larger companies reward you for returned and renewed business. It's easy as a small to medium size company

to do the same.

1. Create a rewards program app! Giving away free, discounted, or deals every time the reach a goal.

2. Friends and Family Discounts for free