MWG Writes on Q
June 2015
Featured Author
Hans Victor von Maltzahn
By: Samna Ghani
Regional Editor, Health; Author with
Books to Go Now and Laurus
Hans Victor von Maltzahn is the author of THE BLACK SUN
ASCENDANT: An Assassins Tale (2011). Hans was born in
Dublin, Ireland, and raised in North York, Ontario, Canada.
An author of poetry and non-fiction, Hans became serious
about fiction in 2006 when he started to write the Black Sun
book series. He has just completed AN EARTH ECLIPSED: An
Assassin’s Revenge (2014), Book Two in the series, and has
begun the last book in the series, tentatively entitled, A
BRILLIANT DAWN: An Assassin’s Redemption.
In an exclusive interview, Hans shares his thoughts and
feelings about writing and the writing process. Enjoy!
Why do you write?
I write for fun and creativity. I also enjoy seeing people pick up
my books and become enthralled by their stories; that for me is
the most satisfying of feelings, that I can capture a reader’s
imagination with a story that I have produced - that’s what
keeps me writing!