Largest Water Project to Utilize Diversity and Inclusion Goals ( continued )
Then , each project percentage of MWBE participation adds into the 30 % overall goal . “ However , MWBE participation can always exceed this amount if the project and manpower permits ,” says Will Velasco , Arlington Procurement Manager . A project-specific goal of 19.6 % MWBE participation for the Pierce-Burch contract was set based on workforce availability . That availability is determined by a procurement study initiated by the City .
The size of the project is substantial . Pierce-Burch can produce up to 75 million gallons of treated water daily . It was built in 1972 and has not undergone a major update . The infrastructure improvements at Pierce-Burch follow up on several recommendations made in a 2014 assessment called the Water Treatment Rehabilitation , Improvements and Optimization Master Plan . These improvements will improve the plant ’ s reliability , redundancy , and sustainability , as well as streamline the water production operations says Brad Franklin , Arlington Water Utilities Assistant Director of Engineering Support Services .
Franklin says the project ’ s deadline to submit a bid was extended to allow potential bidders enough time to research MWBE businesses that could perform work on the project . City staff also worked with the Office of Business Diversity to help the construction company with the best bid find sub-contractors with MWBE ownership .
“ MWBE business are often much smaller and don ’ t have the ability to handle multi-million-dollar projects like those from a prime ( contract ) level ,” says Velasco . “ Our newly established MWBE program will help build capacity for these firms , allowing them to bid from a prime level hopefully down the road ”
The original amount of MWBE subcontractors for the Pierce-Burch project were primarily centered around the women-owned part of MWBE . After reviewing the MWBE contracts , it was apparent that there needed to be a portion of the project contracted to minority-owned businesses , as well , Velasco said . In August , the Arlington City Council approved Arlington Water Utilities construction contract for the project with Archer Western Construction , LLC . The company ’ s proposal will meet the 19 % goal as follows :
MWBE Proposal Information :
MWBE Proposal Information |
Indigenous |
Asian |
Black |
Hispanic |
Women |
% Goal |
0.6 |
1.0 |
4.0 |
7.0 |
7.0 |
% Achieved |
0.64 |
1.44 |
4.03 |
7.01 |
7.07 |
Velasco said the level of MWBE involvement in the Pierce-Burch contract is a big win for the City ’ s efforts to reduce race- and gender-based barriers that limit MWBE utilization on procurement opportunities . Beyond the immediate benefits , businesses involved will gain new connections that will build their reputation for future projects in Arlington and other cities .
For more information on the MWBE guidelines and goals please contact ,
• Erica Thompson , MWBE Manager ( erica . thompson @ arlingtontx . gov )
• Will Velasco , Procurement Manager ( will . velasco @ arlingtontx . gov )