Governance and Ethics
The Airports Authority is committed to maintaining the highest standards in corporate governance . Part of this commitment is ensuring the Airports Authority ’ s core values of collaboration , integrity , mutual respect and pride are aligned throughout the company and demonstrated through our dedication to compliance , ethics , integrity and the fiduciary and civic responsibilities engrained in the company ’ s creation . We maintain strong , continuous dialogue with the various stakeholders of the Airports Authority , including the communities in which we reside , the airlines , concessionaires and other tenants , airport employees and , most importantly , our passengers . The result is a better focus and direction for the benefit of the broader airport community .
The Board of Directors fosters the long-term success of the Airports Authority , promoting the common interests of airport stakeholders . The Board of Directors ’ makeup is set in federal statue and includes 17 members , appointed by the governor of Virginia ( 7 ), the mayor of the District of Columbia ( 4 ), the governor of Maryland ( 3 ) and the president of the United States with the advice and consent of the U . S . Senate ( 3 ). Directors may serve up to two consecutive six-year terms . The Board chair is elected each year by vote of the full Board of Directors and may serve up to two consecutive one-year terms
Board Composition and Tenure
As of December 31 , 2022 , the Board of Directors consisted of 14 directors *, seven of whom were appointed by the governor of Virginia , three of whom were appointed by the mayor of the District of Columbia , three of whom were appointed by the governor of Maryland , and one appointed by the federal government .
Two of the three federal appointee positions were vacant for the full year . Two directors fulfilled their terms through expiration during 2022 . One of the fulfilled terms was that of an appointee of Virginia and that seat was filled with a Virginia appointee . The other fulfilled term was of an appointee of the District of Columbia and that seat was filled with a District of Columbia appointee .
• Annual election of board leadership
• All directors participate in annual ethics training
• Formalized financial disclosure and conflict of interest declaration process
2022 Governance Goal and Performance Summary Industries Represented by the Board of Directors
Our goal is effective corporate governance to ensure long-term success in support of the Airports Authority ’ s core mission to facilitate the flow of people , and goods to and through the National Capital Region . |
The Airports Authority Bylaws , available to the public on the organization ’ s website , defines the rules , processes and governance of the board of directors in the execution of the responsibilities designated to it by the organization ’ s enabling legislation from Virginia , the District of Columbia and the federal government . |
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* Director Hagans was appointed to the Board of Directors in 2023 . For a full listing of the Airports Authority ’ s Board Members please visit https :// www . mwaa . com .
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