All Airports Authority employees and members of the board of directors are required to adhere to the standards of ethical conduct set forth in the Code of Ethics for employees and the Code of Ethics for Members of the Board of Directors , respectively . Both Codes of Ethics provide guidelines and expectations to ensure day-to-day business is being handled fairly and impartially , and help the Airports Authority maintain its core value of integrity .
Under the Codes of Ethics , all Airports Authority employees and board directors are required to receive ethics training on an annual basis . The Board directors , as well as any employees in sensitive or executive positions , as well as positions that involve the exercise of significant discretion , are required to submit an annual financial disclosure form for review by January 31 of each year . The Airports Authority ’ s ethics officer is responsible for overseeing administration of the ethics program requirements , responding to allegations of ethics violations and advising employees and board of directors on all ethics issues . The ethics officer prepares and submits an annual report to the board that details ethics program activities and accomplishments , as well as overall organizational compliance with the codes of ethics .
The Airports Authority also maintains a Fraud and Ethics Reporting Hotline , which is a dedicated , toll-free fraud and ethics telephone and internet-based reporting system available 24 hours , seven days a week to receive complaints from the Airports Authority employees of suspected corruption , fraud , waste and abuse or other concerns . The hotline is managed by a third-party contractor and allows employees to come forward with potential issues and concerns anonymously and confidentially .
* Employees on extended leave are not required to complete ethics training .
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