Dulles Turns 60 !
In 2022 , the Airports Authority celebrated Washington Dulles International Airport ' s 60th Anniversary with its customers and the airport community . The airport , which opened on November 17 , 1962 , has seen a significant increase in traffic over the years , going from serving 54,800 travelers in its first year to over 23 million today . Dulles is served by 35 airlines and now offers flights to 139 nonstop destinations both domestically and globally , up from just six airlines in 1962 .
Our vendors commemorated Dulles Airport ' s 60th Anniversary through various promotional efforts . Coffee was offered at its original 1962 price of $ 0.34 . At sit-down restaurants , guests received free , individually wrapped cookies featuring the 60th anniversary logo . Duty Free customers received a complimentary pair of Dulles 60th Anniversary socks with the purchase of three items . Pepsi also distributed free bottles of soda to employees passing through security checkpoints .
The 60th Anniversary was a celebration of the airport ' s history . Visitors were greeted with anniversary banners and signage upon arrival . Once parked , passengers could walk through Parking Garage 1 and admire historical photos and exhibits along the indoor walkway . Anniversary displays around the airport included historic photos , timelines and a large photo of airport employees forming the number " 60 " near the Main Terminal .
As a token of appreciation , the airport staff were treated to a special employee lunch and received 60th Anniversary memorabilia , including a challenge coin , luggage tags , mouse pads , and more .
Dulles also celebrated its 60th birthday with a gala honoring the Dulles airport team past and present . The team was named the 2022 winner of the Tower of Dulles award , which is presented annually by the Committee For Dulles for meritorious service promoting the betterment of Dulles airport and its economic corridor .
Dulles Airport Manager Richard Golinowski accepted the award on behalf of Dulles ' current and former team members . More than 200 people attended the gala , which was held at the Hilton Washington Dulles Airport in Herndon , Virginia .
Dulles Turns 60 !