CEO Message Overview Environment Social Governance Index
Investor Relations
At the forefront of financial transparency , investor relations remains a top focus for the Airports Authority . Employing a multi-tiered approach , we ensure investors , financial partners and stakeholders stay informed about pertinent developments . Through our dedicated Investor Relations page , we offer voluntary disclosures and regular updates on activities and financial matters . Additionally , we prioritize prompt responses to bondholder inquiries . Each month , unaudited financial statements are published on our website following review by the Board of Directors . Furthermore , in compliance with our continuing disclosure agreement obligations , essential information is filed with the Electronic Municipal Market Access Database .
Finance Communication Marketing Security
Employee Pension and Retirement Programs
At the heart of our business recovery efforts are our dedicated employees , and throughout 2023 we continued to prioritize their development and well-being . This commitment is demonstrated through investments in employee development , merit-based pay and ensuring robust funding for health insurance and retirement plans . Our pension retirement programs remained strongly funded , with rates of 89.2 percent and 98.8 percent on market value and actuarial value bases for the general employee plan , and 89.1 percent and 98.9 percent on the same bases for the police and firefighters ’ plan . Additionally , other post-employment benefits for medical and life benefits remained well-funded at 98.3 percent on a market value basis and 101.8 percent on an actuarial basis .