CEO Message Overview Environment Social Governance Index
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Washington Dulles International Airport
About This Report
The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority ( Airports Authority ), headquartered in Arlington , Virginia , is an interstate compact entity , created by the Commonwealth of Virginia and the District of Columbia , with the consent of Congress . The Airports Authority is governed by a 17 member board of directors . The Airports Authority ’ s primary mission is to develop , promote and safely operate Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport , Washington Dulles International Airport and the Dulles Toll Road with the goal of continually improving efficiency , customer satisfaction and the level and quality of transportation service provided .
View the digital 2022 CSR Report
This report includes a review of the Airports Authority ’ s approach to managing areas including sustainability , human rights , corporate citizenship and governance . The report also highlights progress and performance in those and other areas in 2023 . It covers the activities of the Airports Authority that are consolidated for financial reporting , except where specifically indicated otherwise . Unless noted , data presented in this report reflects the Airports Authority ’ s performance starting January 1 , 2023 , and ending December 31 , 2023 .
This report references some of the recommended disclosures of the Global Reporting Initiative Index and the developing standards for the U . S . airport industry from the Airports Council International-North America , a leading airport-industry trade association . The Airports Authority views both reporting frameworks as important indicators of the pertinent issues that credit rating agencies , financial institutions , governmental agencies and others consider relevant . Regarding forward-looking statements , disclosures and other disclaimers , please see the report ’ s indices and appendices .