MW TEXAS AUTHORS – Tomas Rivera - The Portrait | Page 7

Find Meaning Resolution EXTEND UNDERSTANDING Writing Options Analyze Literature Collaborative Learning Creative Writing  Write a news report for a local radio station about the incidents described in the story. Remember that a good news report begins with an attention-grabbing first line. Be sure to answer the questions of who, what, where, when, why, and how. Present your news report to the class. List Setting Details  In small groups, discuss the setting of “The Portrait.” Create a list of details from the story that helped you determine the time period and the locations. Use this list to analyze how both time and place influence the theme or message of the selection. Present your conclusions to the class. Plot  Don Mateo confronting the salesman at the vegetable stand is the climax, and the portrait on display in Don Mateo’s home represents the resolution. Students’ explanations about their predictions will vary. Narrative Writing  In a brief story summary, describe the problem faced by Don Mateo in the story and the steps he takes to solve the problem. Also consider the problem that the portrait salesman has when Don Mateo wants him to create the portrait of Chuy from memory. How does he solve the problem? Does the story end happily for Don Mateo? Explain. Lifelong Learning Program Resources Research the Internet  Use the Internet to gather information about Hispanic Americans who served in the Korean War (1950–1953). Find out about Hispanic-American recipients of the Medal of Honor, and create a “Wall of Honor” for them in the classroom. Rubrics for Writing Options You can adapt this as a checklist for students to use as they write. Creative Writing n Does the news report begin with an attention- grabbing first line? n Does the report contain accurate facts and details? n Does the report answer the questions who, what, where, when, why, and how? M 0026-0052_G07_U1_PE_Transmit_3-21-2018.indd 51 THE POrTrAIT For further instruction, refer students to the following extension activ- ity: Lifelong Learning: Research the Internet, Extension Activities, pp. 3–4. 51 Narrative Writing n Does the story summary describe the central problem and its solution? 3/26/18 n Does the summary describe the salesman’s problem and how he solved it? n Does the summary evaluate the outcome? 1:59 PM ELAR TEKS 5.C, 6.D, 6.G, 6.I The Portrait  51