Muzikoterapie 4,5 | Page 42

open system, penetrate and are present also in subsystems, in the music-therapeutical individual focus.  Systemic music therapy proposes to discuss 7 layers, 7 categories of music therapy distinctions, highlighting the need for non-musical and musical diagnostics.  Diagnosis and choice of therapy are related to the recognition of the meaning of the levels of interpretation, the primary and higher levels of interpretation. The methods of interpretation intertwine music therapy theory with music-therapeutic reality.  Therapy is reflected in a salutogenic influence that positively affects the bio - psycho - socio - spiritual spirituality of the personality. Taking into account the rules of open system and subsystems, diagnostics, recognition of interpretation levels and the subsequent choice of therapy - prevents the reduction of music therapy procedures, thus preventing iatrogenic damage to the patient and fulfills the definition of systemic music therapy as a conscious, structured and deliberate intervention that scientifically substantiates the importance of interactions between the music therapist and the client .

Key words:

systemic music therapy, diagnostics, therapy, systematic music therapy

Seznam podkapitol:


I. Komplexita člověka a její zrcadlení

II. Komplexita a kohese – jednota muzikoterapie

III. Muzikoterapeutická realita a  teorie

IV. Salutogenní a  terapeutické působení

V. Interpretace primární a vyšších úrovní

VI. Diagnostika a  terapie – sourodá úroveń setkávání se s  potíží klienta/pacienta

VII. Vrstvení muzikoterapie v  sedmi kategoriích
