Mutlicultural Project Adolescent Health; Skin and Skeletal-Muscular Syst | Page 5

Did you know that the eyeglasses design for nearsightedness and farsightedness were invented by the scientist Johannes Kepler. Thanks to his book “Astronomia Pars Optica”, which explains the formation of pictures with a pinhole camera, the process of vision by refraction within the eye, how his design of the eyeglass works, and the use of both eyes for depth perception, he earned the title of founder of modern optics.

Antony Van Leeuwenhoek is one of the great contributors to modern science. Although he wasn't the first to create a compound microscope he used his microscopes to their full potential and made extraordinary discoveries with them. He used his microscopes about anything he could put under a microscope, from lake water, to plant and animal tissue, blood from anything he could get, even the plaque from his teeth. His observation were printed and studied in scientific societies paving the way for future scientists.

Did you Know:

Scientific Technology

Although he was too often ridiculed and criticized mainly by the church and others, Edward Jenner´s research and experimenting revolutionized the field of medical science. He conducted experiments on children, even his own 11 months old son, to create the vaccine, he would insert the virus of the cowpox by taking pus from the cows with cowpox and inserting it on incisions made on the children´s arms. As a result the children vaccinated were immune to the smallpox which at the time was one of the greatest killer, especially among children

Andreas Vesalius, often called the founder of modern human anatomy, created the first book that anatomically described the human body with precision, the “De Humani Corporis Fabrica” or “On the Fabric of the Human Body”. The information contained in this book was written down during dissections. Thanks to his work surgeons were able to greatly improve their work and medical science took an enormous step closer to what it is today.