Mutistage Surge Protectors 1.199kb | Page 5

MULTI-STAGE SURGE PROTECTION Technical Specification SurGe Type - PI Green Series Technical Specification per Phase ACDC Surge Protector - Green Series Type Order Code Total Surge Current Product Standard Type PI 780 - GS Type PI 7100 - GS Type PI 7125 - GS Type PI 7200 - GS 800.115 800.116 800.117 800.118 Surge Cur. 105kA (8/20?s) or 15kA (10/350?s) Surge Cur. 125kA (8/20?s) or 18kA (10/350?s) Surge Cur. 150kA (8/20?s) or 22kA (10/350?s) Surge Cur. 225kA (8/20?s) or 32kA (10/350?s) IEC61643-1 Class I+II+III (B+C+D); IEC60939-2 1. Stage First Protection Stage Function Bi-directional filtering EMI/RFI (L-N); Front signal edge reduction Technical Specification L=0.7mH; Imax=up to 100A Technology Nano Crystalline Core (L-C configuration) 2. Stage Second Protection Stage Function Suppression signal shape (L-N), 8/20?s or 10/350?s Technical Specification Technology Surge Cur. 80kA (8/20?s) or 12,5kA (10/350?s) Surge Cur. 100kA (8/20?s) or 15kA (10/350?s) Surge Cur. 125kA (8/20?s) or 20kA (10/350?s) Surge Cur. 200kA (8/20?s) or 30kA (10/350?s) Varistor with thermal cut-off; Control Gas Tube Discharge 3. Stage Third Protection Stage Function Bi-directional filtering EMI/RFI (L-N); Front signal edge reduction Technical Specification L=4.2mH; Imax=up to 100A Technology Nano Crystalline Core (L-C configuration) 4. Stage Fourth Protection Stage Function Suppression signal shape (L-N), 8/20?s Surge Cur. 25kA (8/20?s) Technical Specification Technology Varistor with thermal cut-off 5. Stage Fifth Protection Stage Function Technical Specification Long term signal suppression from 1?s to 2 sec. This stage is the last ultimate protection level. He switch-off the circuits breaker install upstream, if the pick voltage > 300DC for (120 VAC) or 520VDC for (230 VDC) appears on the output. Circuits breaker should be < 250A gl/gG. Technology Controlled Gas Tube Discharge 6. Stage Sixth Protection Stage Function High speed efficiency signal suppression Technical Specification TVS Limiter 500A (8/20?s); Typical response < 1nsec (nanosecond) Technology Transient Voltage Suppressor 7. Stage Seventh Protection Stage Function Bi-directional filtering EMI/RFI (N-L); Front signal edge reduction Technical Specification L=0.7mH; Imax=up to 100A Technology Nano Crystalline Core (L-C configuration) 8. Stage Function Technical Specification Technology Eight Protection Stage Suppression signal shape (N-Gnd), 8/20?s or 10/350?s Surge Cur. 80kA (8/20?s) or 12,5kA (10/350?s) Surge Cur. 100kA (8/20?s) or 15kA (10/350?s) Surge Cur. 125kA (8/20?s) or 20kA (10/350?s) Surge Cur. 200kA (8/20?s) or 30kA (10/350?s) Controlled Gas Tube Discharge Integrated Multi-Stage Protection