Mustang Messenger Summer 2014 | Page 25

McNAMARalumni '72 Patrick Riordan '72, along with his Ocean City Elks Veterans Committee, introduced a program to produce and display banners - five by two and one half in size - with the photo, rank, and branch of military, honoring active duty military heroes who live in Worcester County. The banners went on display before Memorial Day and will remain throughout the summer. Congratulations, Pat. '76 Angela Scimonelli Myers LR '76, has spent her life devoted to the arts. She started at age five in dance and began at age 16 as a professional ballet dancer, performing throughout the United States and England. She is currently a guest choreographer for Exit 12 Dance Company in New York and recently presented a work dealing with soldiers and the families of soldiers, PTS and those left behind. '82 Jim Collins '82 was hired as the new men's Varsity Basketball Head Coach at York County School of Technology. He has over 20 years of coaching experience going into this new position. After finishing his education at Bishop McNamara, Jim went on to graduate from York College of Pennsylvania and Penn State in Harrisburg. He is currently English Department Chair at York Tech and lives in Red Lion, Pennsylvania. '88-'89 John Morgan '89 and Rod Chapman '88 accepted positions with the Morgan State Football program for 2014. John and Rod will be the new Assistant Football Coaches for the upcoming season. John is also being inducted into the Bowie State University Hall of Fame. '91 Johnny A. Evans '91 is serving in the United States Army as a Major. Johnny is currently serving in Israel. '91 Melissa Antonio Huar LR '91 has begun working at Bishop McNamara High School as the Director of Special Events. '95 Keisha Huggins '95 married Antonio Dorsey in a private ceremony in Washington, D.C. in July 2014. '96 Michael Jones '96 accepted the position of Director of Alumni Relations at Bishop McNamara High School. Elliott Gibson Jr., '95 completed his MBA at Dowling College, in Long Island, New York. '