Pages from the MD Capitol
Three BMHS Students Selected for Maryland Capitol Page Program
Since 1970, Maryland's high school seniors have had the
opportunity to learn about the legislative process by serving as
student pages in the Senate and the House of Delegates during the
annual session of the Maryland General Assembly. The program
was begun by House Speaker Thomas Hunter Lowe and approved
by the Maryland State Board of Education. Each year, 105 pages
and 36 alternates are selected from across the State to represent
their schools and counties in Annapolis.
The Page program is nonpatronage, and selection is done through
Justice Stanton '14
I had at a great experience at the Maryland
State Page Program. I served as a House of
Delegates page. It allowed me to get a better
understanding of how decisions are made
by our elected officials. I was able to attend
two hearings by different committees and
observe how they work.
I got along great with my fellow pages and
formed a close friendship with them. I am
extremely thankful for being chosen to
participate in this excellent program.
the local school systems. Each county in Maryland has a county
page coordinator who is appointed by the local superintendent of
schools. This person is responsible for organizing and conducting
the selection process used by the county's public and nonpublic
schools to select the students who will serve as pages and alternates.
Of the five students chosen from Prince George's County, Bishop
McNamara High School sent three students. Those students were
Justice Stanton '15, Ashleigh Williams '15, and Erin Musselman
'15. Read what they had to say about their experiences below:
Ashleigh ]