Bar 1 – A7 ascending starting on third – C# E G A
Bar 2 – Dmaj7 ascending starting on third – F# A C# D
Bar 3 – Gmaj7 ascending starting on third – B D F# G
Bar 4 – Cmaj7 ascending starting on third – E G B C
Exercise 6
The next exercise uses the same starting note for each chord, which is the third (C# F# B E) but we are switching it up so all of the patterns are descending. The notes and chords are still the same but the order in which they occur changes due to shifting the direction.
Bar 1 – A7 descending starting on third – C# A G E
Bar 2 – Dmaj7 descending starting on third – F# D C# A
Bar 3 – Gmaj7 descending starting on third – B G F# D
Bar 4 – Cmaj7 descending starting on third – E C B G
Exercise 7
Just like we did previously, we’re going to switch between ascending and descending through each chord. Once again we are starting on the third of each chord so just bear that in mind while you’re practicing this exercise.
Bar 1 – A7 ascending starting on third – C# E G A
Bar 2 – Dmaj7 descending starting on third – F# D C# A
Bar 3 – Gmaj7 ascending starting on third – B D F# G
Bar 4 – Cmaj7 descending starting on third – E C B G
Come back for our June edition of Musotonic to get another installment of the walking bassline. This is only part one of a four part series. We will include parts two, three and four each month. If you have any suggestions on further topics or techniques to base our lessons on please e-mail us at [email protected]