The album still drops to acoustic intros and electronic style songwriting, which wouldn’t be out of place on an Alter Bridge record or Chart topping dance track. They are still contextualised with the album framework, so don’t go thinking Winter Storm will be raving or completely changing style half way through their album.
The acoustic and electronic side still have so much energy and movement behind it that is doesn’t disturb from the surge throughout the album (amazing bit of songwriting to achieve a dramatic surge which continues through a 12 track album).
The dark, melodic genre tag attached to this band is perfect for describing their tasteful guitar work and overall songwriting. There are moments of shred work but its surrounded by melodic ideas and doesn’t become just a ‘Tech metal’ fest.
‘Symmetric flow’ is where the album picks up for me and sounds so mainstream and commercial at time; you would expect to hear it on planet rock or kerrang (as it has that old school metal influence but sounds like a modern interpretation).
The atmospheric build up in the middle of ‘Symettric flow’ is perfect; a metal equivalent to what Bring Me The Horizon did with their electronic build-ups to win their 5-star rating on their new album ‘Sempiternal’.
‘Broken world’ adds the electronic vibe to the album I mentioned earlier and breaks the album into two parts for me. The overlapped, reverb soaked vocals add a sense of being pulled deeper into the story or being pulled into a complete different direction/dimension (you’ll know exactly what I mean when you hear it), which adds suspense to the conclusion of the story (5 tracks follow ‘Broken World’).
The album showcases a well-rehearsed band and a highly melodic style of songwriting. This isn’t fast paced technique-based writing (but that isn’t a bad thing), Winter storm have a commercial edge and would appeal to Heavy Rock, Metal and Pop Rock fans.
Check out thier facebook and website for future updates from the band. If you're interested in trying out for this group, get in touch with the band via Facebook. I'm not 100% sure if they are still looking for a drummer or bassist but its worth a shot isn't it?