Musique d'amour November | Page 11

Band Supply List (2)

You'll want to have a look for your band that matches your genre. You want a person who hasn't heard your music yet to look at you and know that you are a band in the genre in which you have choosen.

It's always best to have a place to practice, so make sure you have one of those. A basement, garage or any place will do. Jus as long as you have premission from the land owner. Also figure out if you're going to be keeping your instraments there or bringing them home. Bringing them home will be complicated for your dummer, so be aware.

Make sure you have a demo recorded and ready for people to hear. If you are going to go around looking around looking for gigs its almost expected for the manager or employee you are talking to, to want a demo to listen to so they could think about if you are who they are looking for and if you match their atmosphere. Go out and put up flyers and arrange gigs so you can get the word out there. You can also put up videos on Youtube, on a band account, so you can show your music to all people online.

That's my advice/steps to start a band. Hope they help you in following your dreams. You can find the full, more comlicated list with the website below.

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