Nigel Ishmael is a twist of Hip-Hop that comes out somewhat surprising to most . His music is filled with stories , positive and negative , about people he knows from all walks of life , almost cultivating playlists from his father ' s influences when he was little ( including everything from A Tribe Called Quest to Pink Floyd ), mistakes made , and everyday shenanigans as an adolescent living in the median of the Va Beach area . " Nigel is the sophisticated part of my spirit that thinks out literally everything ; the part that loves the earth for what it is and keeps calm even if the world were to end ; the part that strives for not only selfsuccess but success in humanity ," he explains to _________, " while Ishmael ..... is an entirely different story ! This is that grimey part that seeks revenge always ; that hates the earth for all it ' s flaws ; the part that wants to fuck anybody up in his way or around the path ."
" The contradiction Nigel stands for explains the wordplay in his music to the T . Loud Shrooms , the party of friends and partners who run along with Ishmael , consist of MC ' s Jonn Rockets , Menace Cane , VanGo da 3rd Eye , and many other people who are either producers , hypemen , filmographers , graphic / fashion designers , bboys , skaters , or plain supporters of the sound and movement . Nigel and Jonn Rockets recently dropped a full-length mixtape " Rocket Ishmael " which displays " everyday type shit " for the crew . Find the link below :
h t t p : / / nigelishmael1 . bandcam p . com / album / rocket- Ishmael Musicventure 3