Musicventures 1st edition | Page 22

@ DaOfficialBEKOE

Where are you from ? I was born and raised in Chicago , Illinios . Westside to be exact .

What is your background musically / or anything else you want to tell ppl out there about yourself ? I got introduced to music at a young age . My father was an African musician That had many concerts and studio sessions as I was growing up . I use to watch him and his band rehearse and sometimes I got a chance to see him perform . At my father band rehearsals members of the band would let me play with there instruments . From then on I fell in love with music . Musically I started off as a producer making beats for a hobby . I use to freestyle but never remember my lyrics because I did not write any . Then it came a time in 2009 when I started writing songs and producing and pretty much got serious .

Who inspires you / your music ? My father was definitely one of my biggest inspirations I feel if it was not for him taking me to his studio sessions and concerts I probably would not have been so motivated to start my own music career .

Musicventure 19