st rely on my career in
ite song of the al‐
like 3
rs I
dn’t but them personally
Christmas so I have a chance of ge ng that Christmas number 1 spot, many people who have bought
my album have said that Team is the best track on
their but I’m convinced that
‘a world alone’ is the best
track I could see that
ge ng into the top 3.
How has your life
changed since Roy‐
als became number
one is so many
different countries?
Well obviously there’s all the fame everyone
wan ng to interview me and wan ng me on their
like so many of the
tv programs but a er that what everyone forgets
about is all the money that I am earning for all the
ressure on me because of me that I am at number one , at this moment in
me I think this is the most amount of money I
year so when I was
album I was quite stressed have ever had in my en re life and people say that
there is more to come.
deas that I had in my
was on my mind was to
next single will be?
eleasing Team just before