T.I. has been named as the father of a illegitimate child by an unknown male, claiming that he has been raising a child (with his girlfriend) that isn’t actually his. This male (who still hasn’t been giving a name is claiming that his girlfriend had a threesome with T.I … and Tiny! This news of this alleged incident has came about because of a lawsuit filed by this man because he is seeking to be relieved of Child Support responsibility and also to receive back pay for all of the money he has lost in the process. He claims that the child’s father is actually T.I.. Now, of course T.I. and his camp denied these allegations and this is then coincidentally legal papers (that no one has seen) got leaked onto the internet. Papers that were said to be The Settlement/Confidentially agreement. From the looks of this accusations, the said case is very weak. There’s a lot of talk but no evidence. No names. No quotes from attorneys. No blood tests. Some one may have it out for T.I. and Tiny however, it seems that they are doing nothing more than just attempting to spread a rumor.