Music Monthly Issue #1 | Page 17

- How did Escape the Fate form and cope with the changing of vocalist and bassists? Were you happy or upset about this change? The changes are always difficult but I think this bands creative side always started in the music department first the original writers are still in this band doesn't matter who sings lol that being said Craig and TJ really took the roles and did a fantastic job at their positions in this band that makes me proud!

- Throughout anyone (past or present) in the band, who did you least like? And why?

That would probably be a tie between Omar Espinoza & Max green Omar was just an asshole towards me since day 1 when I met him he was the previous fat guitar player in the band that no one really knows about glad he was gone lol and max me got a long in Every way except when it came to the band he wanted me to have nothing to do with it. Which really pissed me off when I see these boycotting signs for me to be on stage. And playing off stage for over a couple years I was told many times that I would never be in this band. I would've quit many times but I loved my brother being around me also and look where I am now. Funny I just didn't ever give up or let anyone bring me down. I kept fighting for my dream. Now I run the show. Don't ever give up. Don't ever let anyone tell you what you should do. You keep fighting for what you want!

Michael and one of his band mates Craig

Escape The Fate's new album

'Ungrateful' is out now!