Music Mayhem Magazine JANUARY/FEBRUARY (Papa Roach Faces Their F.E.A.R.) | Page 14

Maybe you could get him to do it live with you guys in Detroit but do you guys play that song live?

We worked it up before we came out on the road but we don't currently play it live. But that is actually a good idea we might be able to work that out and get him on to come out.

Did you do anything to ensure you wouldn't fail at this career?

Not really but for me its always been about just stepping up the ladder and being in that situation. I’m a pretty loyal guy so my bands that I’ve been in usually. I’ve seen it thru, either the band broke up or I sorta just wanted to move on and just wanted to keep going up and up and up and that for me has been rough cause as I said I'm loyal but at the same time its like Okay this is just not working out anymore and I gotta find something else. Im it in with every other guy that in the band that I'm playing in but once it kind of steps over that it’s like now what am i doing? Now its bigger stakes as we are all husbands and/or fathers and we have families but in this band I haven't even thought once of jumping ship or anything, it’s just solid and we all get along great.