Music Mayhem Magazine April 2014 : ISSUE #2 | 页面 29

I recently reviewed the indiegogo campaign, which has many benefits to it if you donate including the new album, limited edition posters, autographs, guest list for life & even a chance for you to come out to someone's house & do a private show for them & their friends. Will the person who donated be able to create your set list for that show?

Sure, they can write a song for me to play! That's what makes this project fun.

Why did you choose to create your solo project on your own without a label?

It is kind of a challenge. Something I wanted to persue.

As stated in the previous question you are offering guest list tickets for life at Headlining Jesse Lawson concerts, When can we expect a tour announcement & With whom?

Always a secret.. But soon. ;)

Would you ever consider doing a tour with Sleeping with Sirens while your on the tour SOLO?

Of course, they are my brothers.

Could you share your favorite set of lyrics you have written for this new album with us?

Ha, " I wonder what's beneath me, I think it's wrong to question.." That's it!

How supportive is your family towards your SOLO project, Do they like that you went solo?

Very supportive.

How is it managing a family & your music career at once?

You grow up real quick! But I couldn't be happier!

You mentioned in your note on indiegogo, that you write lyrics A LOT. What inspires your lyrics when writing?

The situations I am in.. There is always a creative way to express your feelings.