consumers as they come and go in their large numbers. What is worrisome is the culture that is been formed or better put the dearth of the culture, which the music industry in Nigeria once grew on. Based on the central role/melting point role that Lagos has served one will have expected that the structures to sustain the Nigerian music industry will be tall and proud across the state. Chief among those non-existent structures are institutions for the acquisition of knowledge for the driving and sustaining pivot of music; music business. There aren't institutions giving out trainings and information about the vast world of music business and the opportunities attached to it. Closely linked to it is absence of centers for the acquisition and development of musician skills and access to historical information on the mus X?[?\??H[??Y?\?XK???Y^\?[??H[?]?[???XY??[?Y\???\???X[??H?]\?X?X????H??XY?H?]H]^\?????\?M?Z[[?[?K????\???X?X[\?Y?Z[???\???\?[??]\?X??HX?X?H?]]?YH??\??Y[??X?H?Y?[][??\?H?]\?X?[?\?\?????Y?\?[??[]YX]\??\??[\?X????X??[???[]\?X??\?]?[?[??Z\??????\?[??[?Y?[??\?]\?X??[??\?Y????[??[?YH?^H]???H\??\?[?\??X???]\?X?[??Y?\?XH[?\?\?Y??X?H?X?]\?H?H??[Y\??H[?Y?H?[][??][?]???\??]X^H?]?\??HHX?H?\?H]\?X?\????]?[?Y[?[???YYY?H??X?\?\????\?[?[??H\?H??][?X?K???