Music is the muse Issue One - The Interview edition | Page 13

What is the best thing that has happened to you in your career? Probably getting a record deal in Europe, and building an audience early on in life. From now on it’s all continued perseverance, luck, and happy accidents (coincidences) along the way. What is the oddest thing a fan as ever said or done to you? A guy biting my neck out of excitement at a concert in Finland. That pretty much tops it! If you could pick any musician, alive or dead, to collaborate with in whatever way, whom would you pick and what would you do? Oh, I like so many people like Annie Lennox, or Marc Almond, or past legends Jim Morrison and Nina Simone, but I think maybe Deborah Harry of Blondie would be an interesting collab- oration perhaps. Or this might surprise everyone, but I would love to sing on a ZZ Top record. If you could pick any concert in history, which one would you like to attend? Either The Doors in San Francisco, or Nina Simone in Montreux. Your piece of advice to today's bedroom musicians dreaming of a big career. Find your niche, figure out what makes you special, and accentuate that. If you don’t like per- forming live, try becoming a DJ. Have fun doing what you love, and let the audience come to you without pressure. If you were stranded on a remote island, which album would you chose to listen to? I hate this question because I love too many different groups, but Blondie’s Autoamerican might do the trick. If you could only listen to one song on repeat for the rest of your life, which would you pick? Another difficult choice, my usual answer is “Here Comes the Rain Again” from Eurythmics, but I’d like to add “Feeling Good” by Nina Simone, and perhaps “Atomic” from Blondie to my top 3. From my own Psyche repertoire “Unveiling the Secret” would also be just fine on re- peat. Do you have a message for your fans? Yes, thanks for coming to my concerts, enjoying playing my music, and especially those who’ve followed my endeavours all these years. I am happy to have you in my life. 12