Music & Dance News, September-October 2022 edition | Page 11

Music & Dance News September / October 2022 Page 11

Shriners Present Check

Two very happy groups of kids and staff at the Shriners Twin Cities Clinic . Who were very pleased with the donation that they received June 21 , 2022 from the Shriner ; Merton Omtvedt ; Po . L . K . of A Klub and the Po . L . K . of A King and Queen .
We had a great day at the Horsemen ranch with children from the Shriners Children ’ s Twin Cities clinic . The kids enjoyed learning about equine healthcare including watching a Ferrier hammer and fit shoes for horses and they watched a Veternarian work on a horse ’ s teeth . They also got to meet three of the finest Minneapolis Mounted Police officers and their service horses . They also enjoyed lots of horse rides . During a lunch break in the clubhouse , the children got to pick out plush stuffed animals as gifts to bring home . At the end of their visit , the Shriners provided the clinic a donation check .

Carlock , SD Trip 2022

Tom , Leon & Loretta joined Dennis for a drink , after the dance .
The Bus Group
The Leon Olsen Show was happy to be out in Carlock , SD , at the Ballroom , with a great group of people in June . Dennis , Carol & Lloyd sure do a nice job of welcoming everyone in , seeing that everybody is having a good time and a nice meal . Miss Loretta was also celebrating her 20yrs on stage , along with The Leon Olsen Show , and is still celebrating , the rest of the year . She appreciates all the cards & gifts from Friends & Fans . The band will be taking another bus trip to Kansas , on Oct . 21st-23rd , of this year , celebrating Gordy & Trish ’ s 10th Anniversary . Matt Hodek & the Dakota Dutchmen will be also be playing . If you are interested in going along on the bus , talk to Leon or Loretta for details .