Music & Dance News, July-August 2021 edition | Page 13

Music & Dance News July / August 2021 Page 13

Jerry Schmidt continued

Jerry Schmidt played concertina with Don Morris and the Jolly Germans . This photo is from 1968 .
en , Eddie Duchen ’ s son from New York . Peter is a noted piano player .
Another memorable event was playing a dinner dance on a large river boat on the Missouri River at Bellvue , NE .
In 1975 , we went to Milwaukee , WI , where the leader of the Six Fat Dutchmen , Harold Loeffelmacher , was inducted into the National Polka Hall of Fame .
In 1983 and 1985 , I went with Kirk ’ s Dance Band to Hawaii for a promotional deal .
From 1957 to the present time , I ’ ve played in many taverns and parties , nursing homes , ballrooms , and two times in church . I played at Christmastime for a special education class once .
During the years , I ’ ve played with about 20 or so bands and small groups . So , I have 50-plus years in the music business playing the concertina as a sideman . “ Whoopee John ” Wilfahrt was my uncle . I was inducted into the 2020 World Concertina Congress Hall of Fame Banquet and received the Annual Hall of Fame Award at the Servicemen ’ s Club in Sleepy Eye , MN Sept . 3 , 2020 . Linnie Kral , president of the club , introduced WCC President Joe Fojtik , along with Art O ’ Hotto . Todd Jurek was also inducted .
Continued on page 14
Czech Heritage Festival