Music & Dance Music-Dance News Sept-Oct '19 | 页面 11

Music & Dance News September/October 2019 Page 11 Polka Lovers Klub of America Del Sol. From then on, there will be polka danc- ing every week, until our last dance Sunday, April 5, 2020, with our Klub sharing alternating weekends with the Ari- zona Polka Club. Other great bands we’ll dance to this sea- son are the Bob Doszak Band, the Sam Peco- rilla Band, and Barefoot Becky & The Ivanhoe Dutchmen. Po.L.K. of A., Arizona chapter, sponsors a two- day Music Fest, sched- uled for Saurday, March 7 and Sunday, March 8, 2020, at Las Palmas Grand (new venue for the Music Fest), fea- turing the Leon Olsen Band, Matt Hodek & The Dakota Dutchmen, and the Zweifel Brothers Band each day. All tickets for our Music Fest are advance- purchase and will go on sale in January. Watch for more information on ticket sales in a future is- sue of Music and Dance News. Once a month during the dance season, our Klub has a potluck din- ner and a short meeting to get to know everyone better, bring the mem- bers up to date on Klub business, and generally have a good time. We also end this meeting with fi ve drawings for $20 prizes. We’re looking forward to having you join us in Mesa, AZ this winter. Keep on dancing. MPA events The Midwest Polka Association (MPA) wel- comes everyone to attend the following upcoming events at Murzyn Hall, 530 Mill Street NE in Columbia Heights, MN. For location directions, call Murzyn Hall at (763) 706-3730. All dances are open to the public. Sunday, Sept. 22 Chicago’s popular pol- ka band, Tri-City Drive, will perform for a Mid- west Polka Association dance Sunday, Sept. 22 from 1 to 5 p.m. One of the band mem- bers is a local musician from the Twin Cities, Craig Marsolek, playing concertina. Friday, Oct. 25 Polka Country Musi- cians from Connecticut will perform Friday, Oct. 25 from 7 to 11 p.m. for the MPA Halloween Dance. This event is an oppor- tunity to hear a popular East Coast band in your Submitted photo Fritz, Bella honored Fritz and Bella Hertaus received a plaque July 21 during the board meeting of the Minnesota chapter of Po.L.K. of A. in appreciation of more than 20 years of working as co-chairs for the chapter’s Mu- sic Fest which takes place annually in August. Fritz passed away Aug. 1, and Bella greatly appre- ciates all the love, prayers, fl owers, and support she has received. The Po.L.K. of A.. was a very special klub for him. own community. Membership information Visit MPA’s website, www.midwestpolkaas-, to fi nd more details of upcom- ing events, links to polka bands and polka venues/ dance associations, and view a photo gallery. The MPA offers mem- berships. A one-year membership is $7 per person, or $12 per per- son for two years. Membership benefi ts include dance admission discounts, a bi-monthly newsletter including band and dance venue schedules, and a great network for meeting other polka dancers. Contact Pat Eckman at (651) 433-2173 for mem- bership information. For more information on dance events, contact Danny Fabeck at (763) 244-0152 or by email at [email protected].