Museum of Sake Journal Summer 2016 | Page 36

WHAT IS GINJO-KA AND WHERE DOES IT COME FROM? NUTRIENT LEVELS The nutrients from the source materials, ie. water and rice grains also have an effect on the ginjo aroma. If the brewers have chosen mineral-rich water (water that contains higher level of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus), these minerals will boost the action of koji enzymes and the yeast. Fermentation will tend to go faster, creating fuller-body sake. The other nutrients come from the rice grain itself. Rice contains fats, proteins and vitamins, especially in the outer parts of the rice. If brewers are looking for a faster fermentation, quicker results and lower cost of production, rice with richer nutrients will be one option. However, if brewers are aiming for a ginjo style sake, they will tend towards rice with fewer nutrients - rice which is highly polished. This means that there will be fewer effects from the nutrients, resulting in slower fermentation producing sake with a finer texture and more fruity aromas. RICE POLISHING RICE STEAMING MAKING KOJI FERMENTATION STARTER MAIN FERMENTATION FILTRATION FINISHING STORAGE YEAST MAGNESIUM POTASSIUM PHOSPHORUS YEAST FULLER BODIED SAKE GOOD, ACTIVE METABOLISM NUTRIENTS KOJI MINERAL RICH WATER RICE GRAIN FEWER MINERALS GINJO AROMA FEWER NUTRIENTS KOJI WATER WITH FEWER MINERALS RICE REMAINING NUTRIENTS BOTTLING RICE REMAINING UNDESIRED FLAVOURS, ACIDITY, COARSE TEXTURE YEAST NUTRIENTS: PROTEIN FAT VITAMINS MAGNESIUM FEWER NUTRIENTS HIGHLY POLISHED RICE GRAIN EFFECT OF NUTRIENT SOURCE WATER & RICE GRAIN MUSEUM OF SAKE JOURNAL 36 YEAST FEWER EFFECTS FROM NUTRIENTS GINJO AROMA