Museum of Sake Journal Spring 2015 | Page 67

TOKYO SAKE FORECAST 2015 She says, ‘A good example is Dassai which managed to attract new fans by creating a cosmopolitan image and overturning the traditional image of sake.’ She is also intent on converting new audiences to sake and helping them to discover more about the different varieties and flavours. “One of the sake brands that is drawing attention now is Aramasa. While their brewing philosophy is firmly grounded in the traditions of the past, they produce sake with a modern ‘Neo-Classic’ flavour profile that is reflective of the natural environment it is crafted in and the era in which it is being made. One of Aramasa’s innovations is the use of koji (rice malt) originally used for shochu, thus creating a modern and fragrant sake with a crisp acidity. They had a famous graphic designer create the labels, which has managed to attract a lot of attention from the young generation. Other innovative sake types, such as ‘Yamagata Masamune Marora’ which have assimilated a process from winemaking known as ‘malolactic fermentation’ are also gaining popularity.” She told us about her goal: “When people go to the supermarket and are not sure what to buy: beer, wine or sake, I would like them to choose sake, of course! That is the Japan I am hoping for.” The new sake trends that she is promoting have the power to open the industry’s frontier.  「好例として、獺祭は日本酒のイメージを覆す都会 的なイメージで新たなファンを開拓しました。」と Rebekahさん。 自らも新たなファンにもっと多彩な種類の日本酒を楽 しんでもらうために新たな銘柄発掘に余念が無い。 「今注目のお酒に新政(あらまさ)があります。新政 は伝統的に受け継ぐ醸造理念は固く守りつつ、新政を 醸す地の環境と時代のニーズを反映したモダンで香り 高いお酒を仕上げました。 新政の革新的な点のひとつとして、本来焼酎に使われ る麹をあえて用いることで、爽やかな酸味を加えてい ることが挙げられます。 パッケージも有名デザイナー発注し、若い世代の注目 を大いに集めています。 ワイン醸造の製法「マノラクティック発酵」を取り入 れた「山形正宗 まろら」のようなお酒も人気が出てく るのだと思います。」 Rebekahさんは「スーパーに行って、ビール?ワイン? 日本酒?と迷った時、当然日本酒でしょう!となるよ うな日本を目指しています。」と目標も語ってくれ た。彼女が発信する日本酒のトレンドは業界に旋風を 巻き起こす力を秘めている。 WWW.ICHI-FORTHEMICHI.COM MUSEUM OF SAKE JOURNAL 67