coding, splicing, cutting and swapping clip positions.
6. Refining a Timeline: Advance Trim edit modes.
August 17
Including Ripple, Roll, Slip and Slide Editing.
7. Working with Audio on Edit page
8. Mixing sound in Fairlight.
9. Applying Transition and Effects.
10. Preparing for Color Correction: importing XML,
2.Organizing a New Project: Configuring settings, attaching offline reference movie and color management
interface elements, importing media, viewing and stratigies.
editing meta data and working with Bins and Smart 11. Balancing Color and Brightness.
bins. Balancing color using wheels,
3. Assembling a Rough Cut: Creating a timeline and primaries Bars, and Curves.
making the edit, Using JKL, Editing clips into the 12. Color Correcting
timeline. Multiple shots.
13. Designing Creative
14. Making Secondary Color
15. Delivering a Final Program.
Module 4( Duration 1 month - 5
4. Managing media and Database:
days a week)
Understanding Resolves new database,
Students do the final project work, they shoot, edit and
copying and archiving projects and
create a short film with a provided script.
consolidating media.
5. Moving Clips in the Timeline: Color