Roland Cloud represents the ultimate cloud-based suite of high-resolution instruments , connected services and software for modern music creators and producers . Our global community of artists , creators and dreamers have easy-access to an ever-growing catalog of legendary and brand-new software instruments . Not only are you a member of our community , we are a member of yours .
When you subscribe to Roland Cloud , you are subscribing to a service , not merely a collection of instruments . You can expect solutions to the issues that plague modern music creators to be delivered based on your wants and needs regularly . You ’ ll be the first to get bleeding edge technolgy via new instruments and software . Below are examples of what makes Roland Cloud unique and valuable to all of us .
There is a universal need by creators of music to be heard . Unlike “ fire and forget ” instruments and software packages that give you what they think you want , Roland Cloud is a deeply embedded part of the creative community and listens to then delivers what you actually want . For example , we are remaking decades worth of iconic Roland synthesizers that fit into your DAW 36
What is Roland Cloud ?
Revolutionizing the music creation industry , one voice at a time
Roland Cloud represents the ultimate cloud-based suite of high-resolution instruments , connected services and software for modern music creators and producers . Our global community of artists , creators and dreamers have easy-access to an ever-growing catalog of legendary and brand-new software instruments . Not only are you a member of our community , we are a member of yours .
When you subscribe to Roland Cloud , you are subscribing to a service , not merely a collection of instruments . You can expect solutions to the issues that plague modern music creators to be delivered based on your wants and needs regularly . You ’ ll be the first to get bleeding edge technolgy via new instruments and software . Below are examples of what makes Roland Cloud unique and valuable to all of us .
Ever-expanding to satisfy creators
We won ’ t stop until making music is easier than breathing
There is a universal need by creators of music to be heard . Unlike “ fire and forget ” instruments and software packages that give you what they think you want , Roland Cloud is a deeply embedded part of the creative community and listens to then delivers what you actually want . For example , we are remaking decades worth of iconic Roland synthesizers that fit into your DAW 36