Museek Mag Museek Mag Nov- Dec 2017 | Page 22

There will likely be workarounds. Someone will write up a patch to let FCP-7 open on High Sierra. Or you can avoid updating your OS. After all, creators are notoriously attached to their software, with writer George Mag RR Martin famously continuing to use the DOS based WordStar 4 writing application. You don’t have to update to High Sierra if you don’t want to. But George RR Martin only has to write, he doesn’t need to do VFX and sound and work with various other freelancers turning in edits on their platforms. In other words, he doesn’t need to play well with others. The rest of us do, and to do that, we need to update our OS and update our other software for sound and FX work to stay current. Which means no more FCP-7. Museek Also, as we learned back at th