July 17
cus pulls, and the iris
is clickless, enabling
smooth iris pulls. The
lens also incorporates
a macro mode for close
focusing capabilities.
The lens is color
to other
such as
the HK, ZK,
and XK se-
ries, which
smooth in-
lenses. The
85mm front
enables use
with many
matte boxes
via the use
of option-
al step up
rings (rings
not includ-
ed). The lens
weighs only
2.16 pounds,
which is fair-
ly light for a cinema
zoom that holds focus
and aperture through-
out the focal length
range. It is designed
for camera’s with a
Sony E-mount, so it
has a short flange fo-
cal distance, but the
lens allows flange focal
distance adjustment
so you can fine tune it
to the camera you are
using the lens on.
T2.9 to T22 aperture
with 9 iris blades for
attractive bokeh
The 28.5mm diameter
image circle covers the
3-perf Super 35 format
with a 16:9 aspect ratio
Industry standard 0.8
film pitch gears for
focus, zoom, and iris
The gear rings posi-
tions for focus, zoom,
and iris are located at
the same position on
both lenses in the MK
series, making switch-
ing between the two
zooms quick as you
don’t have to adjust
the position of lens ac-
Both lenses in the MK
series have the same
weight and length so
here is no need to re-
balance your camera
when you change from
one lens to the other
200° focus barrel rota-
No shims are required
to adjust the flange
focal distance as this
lens has a built-in ad-
justment mechanism
Macro Focus function
Feet and Meters mark-
ing makes it easier to
work. For longer sub-
ject distances cine-
matographers tend to
calculate distances in
meters while in shorter
distances they will like
to work with feet.