Candid with Singer
naresh Iyer
MM: Tell us about your
MM: Tell us about your first
participation in the World Tours contact with A R Rahman. First studio session?, I’ll come
of A R Rahman. from the Super singer. Once
Well the first contact happened
I was and I am fortunate about in the Channel V Super
being a part of one among the Singer where I was one of the
singers of ARR’s two world tour, contestants. It was a huge
in fact even before the release of contest, more than 15,000
my first cine song got released I contestants participated with
started touring with him. I am me. By God’s grace I came till
grateful to him for having me in the top 25 and that is when
the list of singers. Once you step the first meeting happened as
on the stage you actually know Rahman Sir was invited as a
what kind of magnanimity and co – judge. Well that is the first
what kind of artist you are on time maybe he heard me or that
the stage. It is definitely a lot of is the first time we met each
responsibilities comes with it. other.
The way he(ARR) encourages
each contestant finish