Musculoskeletal Matters 2: Consultations for Selected Diagnoses & Regional | Page 2

No. (%) of practice patients consulting Back Knee Neck Foot Shoulder Hand Hip Total no. of consultations in 1 year No. of consultations as % of all musculoskeletal consultations 1100 470 360 330 370 210 210 20% 10% 6% 6% 7% 4% 4% 610 (6%) 340 (3%) 240 (2%) 220 (2%) 210 (2%) 140 (1%) 120 (1%) Table – Consultations in 1 year for selected regions in a practice of 10,000 • Back problems were most common, 610 patients (6% of the practice population) consulting for a back problem during the year • 340 (3%) people consulted for knee problems, the 2 nd most common region • The most common upper limb problems affected the shoulder (210 (2%) people consulting) • In children, the foot was the most common region for consultation, accounting for 1 in 7 of all musculoskeletal consultations in this age group 300 275 250 PROBLEMS An alternative approach to grouping by diagnosis is to classify patients according to the GP record of location (‘region’) of the problem presented, for example, back or knee. • 86% of musculoskeletal consultations were recorded as being for a single region (e.g. back, knee) • 8% of musculoskeletal consultations were recorded as being for multiple regions • 6% of musculoskeletal consultations had no region specified 225 age 0-14 age 15-49 age 50+ 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 0 Back Knee Neck Foot Shoulder Hand Hip Figure 2 – Number of people consulting for problems in selected regions by age in practice of 10,000 DISCUSSION POINT In older patients knee and hip problems are most commonly due to osteoarthritis (OA). However, only a third of patients aged 50+ consulting for knee or hip problems had a recorded diagnosis of OA. It may be the problem was due to another disease. However, musculoskeletal problems may be more often recorded using a regional code than a diagnosis label. GPs are asked to choose a label (code) which best represents the reason for the consultation and often code the presenting symptom (hip or knee pain) rather than the underlying disease (OA). A symptom code may be selected because diagnoses often cannot be made with certainty or because it is the symptom which is the focus of the consultation. For more information visit: h t t p : / / w w w. k e e l e . a c . u k / r e s e a r c h / p c h s / p c m r c / d i s s e m i n a t i o n / b u l l e t i n /