Muscles talk Muscles Talk | Page 21

Know the Reality of Steroids Steroids have many Pros that can encourage you take them. But are you fully aware of the Cons of steroids? Here are the Pros and Cons of steroids so you can properly weigh the benefits versus the consequences and take your decision wisely. The Pros of Steroids: 1- Steroids work on the proteins in the muscles that increase your muscle size and strength. 2- Steroids shape your body and enhance your appearance. 3- Steroids allow you to practice harder, lift more weights and improve your athletic performance. 4- Steroids help you reach your athletic goal easier and faster. The Cons of Steroids: Men who take Steroids may observe: 1234567- Shrinkage of the testicles. Development of breasts. Decrease sperm count. Painful erections. Infertility. Baldness. Prostate cancer.