Muscles talk Muscles Talk | 页面 11

Why Some People Take Supplements and Steroids? Some people take supplements because they contain various ingredients like vitamins, amino acids, proteins, minerals and many other ingredients that are known as botanicals. Those who take supplements for these ingredients seek improving their health and getting the essential nutrients for their bodies. Some athletes take supplements to gain the nutrients their body needs for nutrition while working out. However, the problem is that many people take these supplements without prescriptions. They assume that these nutrients will never harm them. A survey on the causes of taking supplements of males aging between 18 and 21 in the American University in Cairo and the German University in Cairo was held. There were mainly three common reasons for taking supplements. 35% said that they take supplements because they provide them with extra essential nutrients for their bodies that they can't gain from food only. Some added that due to the studying pressure and the heavy workloads from universities, they use these supplements as a substitute for eating well to gain energy. While, 50% said that they take supplements for faster body building with working out. They say that these supplements make faster difference in their body shapes that encourage them in working out more. Some athletes that play in national teams, about 15% say that their coaches oblige them to take these supplements. In addition, the main reason people take steroids is for better athletic performance. Some take them for increasing their muscles size and shaping. Others take steroids for reducing their body fats. Some people that suffer from muscle dysmorphia take steroids. As for men, those who think that they are small and weak, even if they are muscular take steroids to bulk their bodies and look stronger. As for women, those who think that they are fat, although they may look thin and lean take steroids for shaping their bodies. Furthermore, most of the women who take steroids to enlarge their muscles have experienced physical or sexual abuse. They take these steroids to protect themselves and think that being stronger would discourage men to harass them as they may look unattractive. WRITTEN BY: Farah Ismail.