Muscle Memory digital Dec/Jan 2019 | Page 99

FITNESS T-REX TRAINING FEATURE YOUR TRAINER SEAN TIERNEY TEAM T-REX HEAD COACH KICK SOME BUTT By Dina Rich Photography by Max Jamali WE ARE CLEARLY LIVING IN THE GOLDEN ERA OF GLUTES. NEED PROOF? Flip through any magazine or scroll through instagram for plenty of hip-popped, booty-full pics. And while you can pay a premium for pants that enhance even average assets, nothing beats the real thing: a toned and sculpted booty that you’ve earned in the gym. 20   MUSCLE MEMORY | DECEMBER/JANUARY 2019 NOT SURE WHICH MOVES OR TECHNIQUES ARE BEST FOR BUILDING THE PERFECT BOOTY? We've got you covered. Squats get all the love, but they’re not the only way to build your butt. In fact, you’ll want to perform plenty of butt workouts using a variety of glute exercises to target all three glute muscles.