Muscle Memory digital Dec/Jan 2018 | Page 8

#MMSELFIE @Mrs.iron @Karina_liftz @Kevinwhigh Shout it out on social media! Share your triumphs and victories—you’ve conquered a milestone, overcome obstacles, or made it to the finish line. We’ll help you spread the good news @musclememorymag @Ironcurlsandcurlingirons @Celemarsh @Blaynemccabe FOLLOW US! Today’s fitness culture is about showing off your rockstar moments. Here is your chance to get national appreciation! Follow @musclememorymag on FB, Twitter, & IG. @Matthewwidz @Quintbeastwood_ifbbpro @MUSCLEMEMORYMAG You’re dedicated, motivated, and captivated by your gains. SNAP-CLICK-POST and share your progress with us. Tag us in your next selfie and be sure to caption it with #MMSELFIE! Your efforts can land you right here—in all your glory—next issue! #MMSELFIE @Superwomen717 @Mikemuscles @Navygall