Muscle Fitness Muscle & Fitness UK - April 2018 | Page 87

BY STEPHEN BOX & LAURA BAKER, TEAM BOX ONLINE COMP PREP COACHES COUPLES WHO TRAIN, REMAIN! Of course, there are the obvious differences in the area of the physique we tend to focus on. Ladies tend to focus their attention on building bigger glutes and shapely legs, whereas guys tend to concentrate on building a bigger chest and arms. But, does that mean we need a completely different training split, with completely different set and rep ranges? Whichever body part we’re looking at, note the goal here is the same - to build. Yet we often see men and women approach training in very different ways. When it comes to the way our muscles work, men and women are both exactly the same. Muscles will get bigger and stronger from applying more mechanical tension or load, over time. Which means ladies, that bodyweight HIIT workouts might not be the best way to grow your glutes, and guys, training with your ego and going too heavy on those lifts could mean you’re losing tension. Whether you’re male or female, to see a muscle grow, it needs to be kept under constant tension throughout a lift, with a reasonable amount of load. In terms of your training programme, of course, it makes sense to pay more attention to the body parts you want to develop but that doesn’t mean ladies need a specific glute day each week, and guys you don’t need a whole session dedicated to chest either. We’ve put together an example 5 day a week training split for both men and women so you can see the days where you could get a session in together (Friday and Saturday). On these days you could train together. Start with 1-2 chest exercises before moving on to shoulders, back and arms (guys you’ll still be getting plenty of chest volume as most of the chest work for the guys would have been done on the ‘push’ session). On the lower body session, you can include a glute-focused exercise such as the hip thrust (ladies you might need to show your guy how these are done), as they will certainly benefit a guys training regime. Follow this up with some heavy squats (ladies take advantage of having a good spot), then move onto hamstrings for the bulk of the session. W HEN IT COMES TO training, there are more similarities between men and women than you’d think. Guys and girls often have different training programmes but is it really necessary to head off into different areas, or could you actually benefit from doing the same workout? APRIL 2018 / MUSCLE & FITNESS 85