Muscle Fitness Muscle_Fitness_February_2016 | Page 141

PUSHUPS “Do your best to get all 25 reps in a clip,” says Ciresi. “If you can’t get all 25 straight, rest-pause to reach that rep count.” You can start with standard pushups, but to keep things fresh, try them with feet elevated (pictured). THE WORKOUT CHEST EXERCISE SETS REPS Bench Press 4 12 2-3 min. REST Incline DB Press 4 10 2 min. Cable Flye 2 20 1 min. Pushup 2 25 1 min. BENCH PRESS Employ a spotter on this exercise, as the idea here is to go as heavy as possible while not letting your form sufer. Ciresi notes that by the seventh rep, it should feel difficult, so that hitting 12 reps is a true challenge. Don’t short- change your rest periods on the bench; let your muscles recover between sets. EDGAR ARTIGA; DUSTIN SNIPES FEBRUARY 2016 MUSCLE & FITNESS 139