Muscle & Fitness 2018-03-01 Muscle & Fitness | Page 34

MALE MUSCLE your water to help get it down. Drink more, lose more! 3 MEAL TIMES – SPREAD IT OUT Eating regular meals throughout the day is important to ensure your body gets the energy it needs to perform at an optimal level. A consistent routine will help control food intake and provide you with a positive balance. Eating smaller meals around the clock keeps hunger at bay. Skipping meals is counterproductive, and will likely lead to binge eating. 4 FOOD SOURCES – YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT The three main macronutrients are protein, carbohydrates and fats. It is important that your diet covers these groups. Proteins are essential for muscle growth and repair, and can be found in meat, eggs and whey. Carbs are the body’s main source of energy, and can be found in oatmeal, rice and potato. Fats are needed to support hormone function, and can be found in oily fish, avocado and nuts. Fibre is also needed to aid digestion and provide essential vitamins and minerals, found in fruit and vegetables. 5 SNACKS – DUMP THE JUNK Snacking on foods like crisps and sweets throughout your day won’t 32 MUSCLE & FITNESS / MARCH 2018 8 ALCOHOL – TAKE IT EASY lea ve you feeling satisfied for long, keep you full or help you towards your fitness goals. Choose high protein snacks or fibrous vegetables which are easy to carry around to keep you going. Protein bars are a great way to pack in the protein and hit a sweet spot without taking in a huge amount of sugar or too many calories. Greek yoghurt, vegetables, eggs and nuts are also good options. Enjoy your snacks but keep them clean! If you’re serious about changing your body, cutting down on the booze is going to be a good start. Most alcohol, like wine and cocktails, have a huge number of hidden calories and sugars. Being hungover is also going to affect your performance in the gym, and lead you to indulge on your favourite takeaway. Cut back on the drink- you know it makes sense! 6 LOW CALORIE OPTIONS – PIECE OF CAKE 9 TRACK CALORIES – BE ACCOUNTABLE A simple way to cut down on your calorie intake is to use low calorie substitutes. It is surprising how calorific such things as your standard table sauces and your favourite fizzy drinks are. Replace your ketchup with the low sugar version, and next time you grab a coke from the shelf, go for the zero calorie one! Swap your latte for a black coffee with sweetener or try unsweetened almond milk instead of cow’s milk to save calories! Small changes, big results! Take things to the next level and track what you eat. Work out your daily calorie intake to meet your goal, then use an app like My Fitness Pal to track calories on your smartphone. Calories are king when trying to drop body fat or build muscle. If you get these wrong, it is unlikely you will see any progress for a long time, if it all. If you’re not sure how to work out your calories, do your research or speak to a professional in this field for help. 7 80:20 RULE – DO THE MATHS 10 SUPPLEMENTS – LEAVE THEM UNTIL LAST When approaching healthy eating, the 80:20 rule is used to help keep a balance. If you eat nutrient dense foods 80% of the time, then you can allow yourself to indulge in your favourite treats 20% of the time. Sticking to these margins will prevent you craving unhealthy food and ultimately binging. Enjoy food but make smart choices! Supplements can help to support your fitness goals, however they are additional to your diet and you should not be dependent on them. Products such as glutamine and BCAAs are not going to be the driving force for you reaching your goal, but they can be useful. Before thinking about supplements, make sure you’re nailing the above tips first.