Muscle Fatigue Volume 1 | Page 2


Have you ever wondered why do your muscles feel sore after an exhausting physical activity is completed? Muscle Fatigue is the answer. Muscle Fatigue is the decline of the ability of a muscle to produce force after rigorous exercise or use. The cause of this uncomofortable sensation of weakness can be traced all the way to the fuel of our bodies: ATP. This molecule is the one in charge of producing the necesary contraction for our muscles to realize a task. But the ATP has a limit in how much it can be used. Lactic acid, which is produced by our body in vigourous activities, overdrives the body´s ability to realize work and thats when you feel exhausted muscles feel echausted.

We realized and experiment in which we wanted to see the effects of muscle fatigue on exercise to see at which rate it affects the body's permormance. We added another variable, which was smoker or non smoker. We wanted to see the effects of smoking in your body´s performance.

Our Hypothesis was: If a person smokes he/she will get tired faster than a person that doesn´t smoke.