Muscle Evolution Muscle_Evolution__July-August_2017 | Page 44

STANDING BARBELL CURLS Morné has found standing barbell curls to be one exercise that really works for him. “I keep my form strict and the poundage I use is relatively light, even though I could blast my bi’s with heavier weight. I know I would probably cheat my way through the sets if I go super heavy. So many guys are losing out on bigger arm development because they’re pulling stupid stunts with heavy-ass weight in the gym to show off in front of their buddies. Go slow and controlled with a peak contraction at the top. Try and keep your form as strict as possible and make the workout count. Keep the pain in the muscle and not in the joints. Remember, a muscle can be torn relatively easily if you don’t control the movement. I’m not against using more weight, but if I go heavier on barbell curls, other muscle groups are called into play to help the major muscle work and that defeats the main purpose of the exercise.” He keeps his elbows fixed in place so that all of the stress remains on his biceps. “GO SLOW AND CONTROLLED WITH A PEAK CONTRACTION AT THE TOP. TRY AND KEEP YOUR FORM AS STRICT AS POSSIBLE AND MAKE THE WORKOUT COUNT.” FORM BEFORE WEIGHT Morné doesn’t use many machines when he trains arms. “Once in a blue moon I would use machines and cables for variation, but I’m really a basic barbell and dumbbell kind of guy. They have, up until now, always done the job for me.” Nothing is more important than applying his mind when he trains. He always works on form before he works on the weight. Sometimes he would count to three on the way up and again when he lowers the weight, to shock the biceps. On barbell curls Morné would stop before the bottom to keep constant tension on his biceps. He also stretches his arms between sets to keep the blood in there. More blood in the muscle means a better pump. “I believe in going heavy, but at the same time I think once your exercise form becomes loose the weight is too heavy, which opens the door to injury. If you are not in control of the weight your mind is not connected to the muscle that you are working. When my form is not 100 percent I would still finish a set, drop down in weight, and finish with 10 strict reps.” His workouts usually last between 45 to 60 minutes. Legs tend to go on for longer. 41