Murray Roberts writes about hotel amenities HK Magazine January issue | Page 3

Editor’s Editor: Chris Keightley Email: [email protected] Tel: 01255 318 167 WELCOME Editorial assistant: Gemma Badham Design: Sharon Larder Email: [email protected] Housekeeping Management is published by HEAD OFFICE: UNIT 2 YOUNG ENTERPRISE CENTRE, TYLER STREET, PARKESTON, HARWICH ESSEX The Publisher cannot accept any liability for transparancies, disks or any written material submitted for publication. Reproduction of any written material or illustration wholly or in part for any media is expressly forbidden without prior consent of the publisher. H Welcome to the first issue of Housekeeping management, brought to you by Yes Know Media Ltd. I have had many years within hospitality publishing and I felt I wanted to produce a magazine that gave an independent voice to general managers, and housekeeping teams across the UK. We have a number of experienced business owners, and industry writers that we hope you will enjoy reading and take inspiration from, the magazine can be used as a business tool or reference with many UK advertisers that can help your business, our annual subscription is just £29.99 per year and 10% of each subscription will be donated to a variety of UK charities. Wishing you all a prosperous beginning to 2017 and best wishes from the Housekeeping Management team. Although we have a marketing association with Hotel Buyer, Housekeeping Management is an independent publication and is not affiliated to any organisation. CONTENTS uuu Hotel News P.4 Aslotel recognise a very important and essential department in the world of hospitality – Housekeeping P.8 Linen specialists Tonrose discuss their 120 years in business P.24 Housekeeping Management discusses Out of Eden - their history and service to the hotel industry P.10 Tip Top Linen give Housekeeping Management an insight into their family business and the reasons behind their success P.26 How the Xeros System delivers superior cleaning and reduces costs at hotels P.13 Housekeeping Management interview Gillian Etheridge, owner of Grimscote Manor Hotel P.28 How to keep your towels soft and fluffy- Top tips for keeping your towels clean and white P.16 The ultimate guide to tipping P.18 PAGE 32 Strata Panels - Contract furniture manufacturers P.22 Why the future of housekeeping will revolve around mobile P.20 Competitive pricing for all of your hotel’s non-food needs P.31 Armstrong Service keeps the Gliffaes Hotel laundry running smoothly P.32 Product News P.33 Housekeeping management 3