Murray Roberts talks about the need for migrant workers in hospitalit Value of good amenities | Page 3

Editor: Chris Keightley Email: [email protected] Tel: 01255 318 167 Mobile: 07715 671908 Editorial assistant: Gemma Badham Design: Sharon Larder Email: [email protected] Housekeeping Management is published by HEAD OFFICE: UNIT 2 YOUNG ENTERPRISE CENTRE, TYLER STREET, PARKESTON, HARWICH ESSEX The Publisher cannot accept any liability for transparancies, disks or any written material submitted for publication. Reproduction of any written material or illustration wholly or in part for any media is expressly forbidden without prior consent of the publisher. Editor’s WELCOME W elcome to the April issue of Housekeeping Management. As I write this, the weather is turning and we are having a good dry spell, I hope this improvement in the weather is also enabling an increase in bookings. I would like to start by saying thank you to the housekeepers of a variety of hotels for their positive comments regarding the magazine. It is always my intention to produce a magazine that helps with the day to day running of your hotel, offering you tips, advice, and a wealth of knowledge from my many contributors. In this issue we have two features from The Natural Linen Cupboard and The Temple Spa, with tips and advice on how to give your guests a good night´s sleep. And our regular columnist Murray Roberts from Aslotel discusses the value of good amenities against cost of room rates. Let´s hope the sun keeps shining on us for a while longer and have a good month. The Housekeeping Management Team CONTENTS uuu PAGE 4 Hotel News PAGE 26 Housekeeping Profile: Hotel Gotham PAGE 8 Murray Roberts of aslotel: The value of good amenities against cost of room rates PAGE 28 The Natural Linen Cupboard: Top tips on how to give your guests a good night’s sleep PAGE 16 Armstrong Commercial Laundry Systems help lakeland hotel achieve massive savings on laundry costs PAGE 33 Wake up on the brighter side PAGE 30 The Temple Spa: Sleep like a baby PAGE 34 The story of Hotel Buyer PAGE 20 Mark Ellis of Welcome Systems Ltd: Why PCI compliance needn’t be the bind you think it is PAGE 24 Girbau’s Energy-saving ED series dryers PAGE 26 PAGE 25 Xeros Cleaning: How hotels can save money and reduce water waste PAGE 28 Housekeeping management 3